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Thursday, January 16, 2025
About us / Blog / The Many Faces of Bullying

The Many Faces of Bullying

Bullying is when another person makes you uncomfortable purposely, taunts, teases, or any other type of harassment. There are four types of bullying: verbal, physical, social, and cyber bullying. All of these types of bullying are inflicted to make you diminish your self esteem and confidence.


Verbal: Calling someone a mean nickname and having groups taunt them on playground in order to humiliate someone

Social: mean looks, spreading rumors, excluding others from group and isolating them from social settings (specific applies to girls), moving away from others when they sit down

Physical: physical contact that is negative, painful, or embarrassing

Cyber bullying: embarrassing others, hacking onto others social networking sites, writing negative posts, false identity regarding internet profiles.

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