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Thursday, January 16, 2025
Get The Facts / Types Of Bullying

Types Of Bullying

Types of BullyingThere are several different types of bullying. Bullying can be irritating, embarrassing, hurtful and even dangerous. Some of the various forms of bullying are:


Most of us have experienced Verbal bullying – this happens when someone calls another person names or otherwise teases them. Kids may tease a child who has red hair or is otherwise perceived to be "different" than everyone else. We need to value and respect each other’s differences! Just smile, nod and walk away or you can acknowledge the difference and express pride in your individuality by saying something like, "That’s right, and I like it" as you walk away.

Social Emotional

Social Exclusion happens when a group leaves another person out on purpose, when someone spreads rumors or gossips about another person or when someone tries to break up friendships of another person. Girls most often resort to Social Exclusion when bullying.


Physical bullying involves any form of physical action directed at another person including:

  • Hitting
  • Punching
  • Shoving
  • Kicking
  • Tripping
  • Spitting

If you are being physically abused, we strongly recommend that you immediately report the incident to a trusted adult and, if warranted, to local law enforcement.


Cyberbullying involves the use of digital technology, such as mobile phones or Internet to cause harm to others by:

  • Creating false profiles/websites
  • Posting embarrassing, hurtful or harmful information on social websites
  • Sending mean, untrue or hurtful text messages
  • Posting inappropriate or embarrassing pictures or videos

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